- 1.
The following changes are made in the class ARLayerView.
Changed Interfaces:
- Replaces the interface setCurrentPosition(Point2D) with setCurrentPosition(Point3D)
- Replaces the interface drawNaviRoutes(ArrayList, ModelRenderable, ModelRenderable) with drawNaviRoutes(ArrayList, ModelRenderable, ModelRenderable)
AR |
- 2.
Added AR-related classes:
AR |
- 3.
Newly introduced classes in Services:
services |
- 4.
The changes of Services:
- Replaces the class OderType with OrderType
- Replaces the class DownLoadFile with DownloadFile
- Replaces the class UpLoadFile with UploadFile
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- 5.
The following changes are made in the class iportalservices.
services |
- 6.
The following changes are made in the class OnResponseListener.
Interface changes:
- Replaces the interface onFailed(Exception) with onError(Exception)
- Replaces the interface onResponse(Response) with onComplete(Response)
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- 7.
The following changes are made in the class IPortalService.
Interface changes:
- Replaces the interface getMyDataID(String,String,DataItemType) with getMyDataID(String,String,DataItemType,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface uploadData(String,int,ProgressRequestBody.ProgressListener) with uploadData(String,int,UploadListener)
- Replaces the interface cancelUpload() with cancelUpload(Call mUploadCall)
- Replaces the interface downloadMyData(int,ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener) with downloadMyData(int,DownloadListener)
- Replaces the interface downloadData(int,ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener) with downloadData(int,DownloadListener)
- Replaces the interface cancelDownload() with cancelDownload(Call)
- Replaces the interface getMyServices(HashMap) with getMyServices(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getServices(HashMap) with getServices(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getMyScenes(HashMap) with getMyScenes(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getScenes(HashMap) with getScenes(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getMyInsights(HashMap) with getMyInsights(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getInsights(HashMap) with getInsights(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getMyMapDashboards(HashMap) with getMyMapDashboards(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getMapDashboards(HashMap) with getMapDashboards(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getMyAccount() with getMyAccount(OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface deleteMyContentItem(MyContentType, int) with deleteMyContentItem(MyContentType, int,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface updateNickname(String) with updateNickname(String,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface updatePassword(String,String) with updatePassword(String,String,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface updateSecurityQuestion(String,String) with updateSecurityQuestion(String , String,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface updateEmail(String) with updateEmail(String,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getWebMap(int) with getWebMap(int,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface updateWebMap(int,String) with updateWebMap(int,String,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface updateWebMap(int,JSONObject) with updateWebMap(int,JSONObject,OnResponseListener)
- Replaces the interface getRestMaps(String) with getRestMaps(String,OnResponseListener)
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- 8.
The following changes are made in the class IPortalService.
Interface changes:
- getGroupsInfo(int,int,GroupOrderBy,String,JoinTypes,OrderType,OnResponseListener): gets the group information that the current user has the privilege to check.
- getUserGroupsInfo(int,int,GroupOrderBy,String,OrderType,OnResponseListener): gets the group information that the current user creates.
- createGroup(String,String,boolean,String,GroupRole,boolean,OnResponseListener): creates a group
- deleteGroup(List,OnResponseListener): Deletes groups in bulk
- shareDataToGroup(List,String,OnResponseListener): shares private data to the group resources by data ID in bulk
- getGroupInfo(String,OnResponseListener): checks resource information of a group
- getGroupResources(String,int,int,String,ResourceOrderBy,OrderType,String,OnResponseListener): checks data resources of a group
- inviteUsersToGroup(String,String,List,OnResponseListener): Sends invitation information to users that are not in the group in bulk. Only the creator of the group has the privilege.
- applyToGroup(String,String,String,OnResponseListener): a user applies for inviting the group
- checkGroupApply(String,ist,boolean,OnResponseListener): audits all applications of the current group in bulk. Supports auditing the specific application according to its ID
- getGroupApply(String,int,int,GroupCheckStatus,OrderType,OnResponseListener): gets the application information of the current group
- queryUserByName(String,List,OnResponseListener): Searches a user according to its nickname or username
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- 9.
New classes in data:
data |
- 10.
The following changes are made in the class Layer3DOSGBFile:
Newly added attributes:
- MaxDataValue: gets the maximum height or intensity of data
- MinDataValue: gets the minimum height or intensity of data
New added interface:
- getPositon(): gets the center of a layer
realspace |
- 11.
The following changes are made in the class Layer3D:
Newly added interfaces:
- getSwipeRegion(): gets swiping area
- setSwipeRegion(Rectangle2D rec): sets swiping area
- isSwipeEnable(): gets whether to enable the Swipe feature
- setSwipeEnable(boolean value): Sets whether to enable the Swipe feature
realspace |
- 14.
The following changes are made in the class ARControl
interface changes:
- Replaces the interface setLayerScale(int layer3DID, double scalex, double scaley, double scalez) with setSceneScale(double scalex, double scaley, double scalez)
- Replaces the interface setLayerRotation(int layer3DID, double rotX, double rotY, double rotZ) with setSceneRotation(double rotX, double rotY, double rotZ)
- Replaces the interface setLayerTranslation(int layer3DID, double transLationX, double transLationY, double transLationZ) with setSceneTransLation(double transLationX, double transLationY, double transLationZ)
Newly added interfaces:
- setFrustumDist(double nearDist,double farDist): Sets distance clipping polygon of AR camera
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- 15.
The following changes are made in the class FlyManager:
Interface changes:
- update(): updates the flying stations and routes
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- 16.
The following changes are made in the class Layer3D:
Newly added interfaces:
- setMaxObjectVisibleDistance(double value): sets the maximum visible distance of vector objects in the layer
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- 17.
The following changes are made in the class Layer3Ds:
Newly added interfaces:
- addLayerWithGoogleMaps( Layer3DType layer3DType, String layerName, ImageFormatType imageFormatType,boolean addToHead): add google online image service
realspace |
- 18.
New classes in data:
data |
- 19.
New classes in Mapping:
mapping |
- 20.
The following changes are made in the class Map:
Newly added interfaces:
- isTimeEnable(): returns whether to play temporal data on a map.
- setTimeEnable(boolean bEnable): sets whether to play temporal data on a map.
- getTimeStep(): returns the time step size for the playing of temporal data.
- setTimeStep(TimeSpan timeStep): sets the time step size for the playing of temporal data.
- getTimeWindow(): returns the time window shown when playing temporal data
- setTimeWindow(TimeSpan timeWindow): sets the time window shown when playing temporal data
- getCurrentPlayerTick(): returns the number of the frame playing on the map.
- setCurrentPlayerTick(int currentTick): sets the number of the frame playing on the map.
- getMapStartTime(): returns the starting time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
- setMapStartTime(Date startTime): sets the starting time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
- getMapEndTime(): returns the terminal time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
- setMapEndTime(Date endTime): Sets the terminal time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
- getDefaultMapStartTime(): traverses time fields of layers that are visible and time-enabled, and then returns the minimum value as the starting time.
- getDefaultMapEndTime(): traverses time fields of layers that are visible and time-enabled, and then returns the maximum value as the ending time.
- getMinTimeStep(): calculates the default time step size when playing temporal data.
- getTimeFormat(): when playing temporal data, if you have set the window displays the time of the current frame, the interface can return the time format.
- setTimeFormat(String timeFormat): when playing temporal data, if you have set the window displays the time of the current frame, the interface can set the time format.
- isShowTime(): returns whether the window displays text of the time of the currently playing framed. true means yes. false means no.
- setIsShowTime(boolean isShowTime): sets whether the window displays text of the time of the currently playing framed.
- getCurrentTickStartTime(): gets the starting time of the currently playing frame when playing temporal data.
- getCurrentTickEndTime(): gets the terminal time of the currently playing frame when playing temporal data.
- setIsCadBatchRender(boolean bIsCadBatchRender): sets whether to use the batch drawing mode in a CAD layer
mapping |
- 21.
The following changes are made in the class TrackingLayer:
Newly added interfaces:
- setAsyncRefresh(boolean bAsync): sets whether to render the tracing layer instantly.
- isAsyncRefresh(): returns whether the tracing layer is rendered instantly
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- 22.
The following changes are made in the class Layer:
Newly added interfaces:
- isDeduplicateEnabled(): gets whether to rarefy
- setDeduplicateEnabled(Boolean value): sets whether to rarefy
- isFastDrawEnabled(): gets whether it is the quickly drawing mode
- setFastDrawEnabled(Boolean value): sets whether it is the quickly drawing mode
- getDeduplicateTolerance(): gets the rarefying tolerance
- setDeduplicateTolerance(double value): sets the rarefying tolerance
- getDeduplicateThreshold(): gets the rarefying threshold value
- setDeduplicateThreshold(int value): sets the rarefying threshold value
- setFastDrawDataModefied(boolean isModefied): data changes under the quickly drawing mode
- getTimeStepInterval(): returns the time step size of temporal data
- setTimeStepInterval(TimeSpan timeSpan): sets the interval of the time step size of temporal data
- getTimeFilterEnding(): returns the terminal time of the filter expression of the layer time
- setTimeFilterEnding(Date endTime): sets the terminal time of the filter expression of the layer time
- getTimeFilterStarting(): returns the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time
- setTimeFilterStarting(Date startTime): sets the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time
- getTimeEndField(): gets the field for recording the terminal times
- setTimeEndField(String strField): sets the field for recording the terminal times
- setTimeStartField(): sets the field for recording the starting times
- setTimeStartField(String strField): gets the field for recording the starting times
- IsTimeFilterEnable(): returns whether to enable the time filter feature on the layer.
- setTimeFilterEnable(boolean bEnable): sets whether to enable the time filter feature on the layer.
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