Android 10i SP1-10i(2020) interface changes

Historical version interface changes

This document introduces the interface adjustment and other important influence of the compatibility possibly affected between two neighboring versions. The principle of interface adjustment is to develop a more efficient, more powerful, and perfect application for users.

Interface changes from SuperMap iMobile 10i sp1 for Android to SuperMap iMobile 10i(2020) for Android.

Changed ID Changed content
The following changes are made in the class ARLayerView.

Changed Interfaces:

  • Replaces the interface setCurrentPosition(Point2D) with setCurrentPosition(Point3D)
  • Replaces the interface drawNaviRoutes(ArrayList, ModelRenderable, ModelRenderable) with drawNaviRoutes(ArrayList, ModelRenderable, ModelRenderable)
Added AR-related classes:
Newly introduced classes in Services:
The changes of Services:
  • Replaces the class OderType with OrderType
  • Replaces the class DownLoadFile with DownloadFile
  • Replaces the class UpLoadFile with UploadFile
The following changes are made in the class iportalservices.
The following changes are made in the class OnResponseListener.

Interface changes:

  • Replaces the interface onFailed(Exception) with onError(Exception)
  • Replaces the interface onResponse(Response) with onComplete(Response)
The following changes are made in the class IPortalService.

Interface changes:

  • Replaces the interface getMyDataID(String,String,DataItemType) with getMyDataID(String,String,DataItemType,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface uploadData(String,int,ProgressRequestBody.ProgressListener) with uploadData(String,int,UploadListener)
  • Replaces the interface cancelUpload() with cancelUpload(Call mUploadCall)
  • Replaces the interface downloadMyData(int,ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener) with downloadMyData(int,DownloadListener)
  • Replaces the interface downloadData(int,ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener) with downloadData(int,DownloadListener)
  • Replaces the interface cancelDownload() with cancelDownload(Call)
  • Replaces the interface getMyServices(HashMap) with getMyServices(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getServices(HashMap) with getServices(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getMyScenes(HashMap) with getMyScenes(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getScenes(HashMap) with getScenes(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getMyInsights(HashMap) with getMyInsights(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getInsights(HashMap) with getInsights(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getMyMapDashboards(HashMap) with getMyMapDashboards(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getMapDashboards(HashMap) with getMapDashboards(HashMap,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getMyAccount() with getMyAccount(OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface deleteMyContentItem(MyContentType, int) with deleteMyContentItem(MyContentType, int,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface updateNickname(String) with updateNickname(String,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface updatePassword(String,String) with updatePassword(String,String,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface updateSecurityQuestion(String,String) with updateSecurityQuestion(String , String,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface updateEmail(String) with updateEmail(String,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getWebMap(int) with getWebMap(int,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface updateWebMap(int,String) with updateWebMap(int,String,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface updateWebMap(int,JSONObject) with updateWebMap(int,JSONObject,OnResponseListener)
  • Replaces the interface getRestMaps(String) with getRestMaps(String,OnResponseListener)
The following changes are made in the class IPortalService.

Interface changes:

  • getGroupsInfo(int,int,GroupOrderBy,String,JoinTypes,OrderType,OnResponseListener): gets the group information that the current user has the privilege to check.
  • getUserGroupsInfo(int,int,GroupOrderBy,String,OrderType,OnResponseListener): gets the group information that the current user creates.
  • createGroup(String,String,boolean,String,GroupRole,boolean,OnResponseListener): creates a group
  • deleteGroup(List,OnResponseListener): Deletes groups in bulk
  • shareDataToGroup(List,String,OnResponseListener): shares private data to the group resources by data ID in bulk
  • getGroupInfo(String,OnResponseListener): checks resource information of a group
  • getGroupResources(String,int,int,String,ResourceOrderBy,OrderType,String,OnResponseListener): checks data resources of a group
  • inviteUsersToGroup(String,String,List,OnResponseListener): Sends invitation information to users that are not in the group in bulk. Only the creator of the group has the privilege.
  • applyToGroup(String,String,String,OnResponseListener): a user applies for inviting the group
  • checkGroupApply(String,ist,boolean,OnResponseListener): audits all applications of the current group in bulk. Supports auditing the specific application according to its ID
  • getGroupApply(String,int,int,GroupCheckStatus,OrderType,OnResponseListener): gets the application information of the current group
  • queryUserByName(String,List,OnResponseListener): Searches a user according to its nickname or username
New classes in data:
The following changes are made in the class Layer3DOSGBFile:

Newly added attributes:

  • MaxDataValue: gets the maximum height or intensity of data
  • MinDataValue: gets the minimum height or intensity of data

New added interface:

  • getPositon(): gets the center of a layer
The following changes are made in the class Layer3D:

Newly added interfaces:

  • getSwipeRegion(): gets swiping area
  • setSwipeRegion(Rectangle2D rec): sets swiping area
  • isSwipeEnable(): gets whether to enable the Swipe feature
  • setSwipeEnable(boolean value): Sets whether to enable the Swipe feature
The following changes are made in the class ARControl

interface changes:

  • Replaces the interface setLayerScale(int layer3DID, double scalex, double scaley, double scalez) with setSceneScale(double scalex, double scaley, double scalez)
  • Replaces the interface setLayerRotation(int layer3DID, double rotX, double rotY, double rotZ) with setSceneRotation(double rotX, double rotY, double rotZ)
  • Replaces the interface setLayerTranslation(int layer3DID, double transLationX, double transLationY, double transLationZ) with setSceneTransLation(double transLationX, double transLationY, double transLationZ)

Newly added interfaces:

  • setFrustumDist(double nearDist,double farDist): Sets distance clipping polygon of AR camera
The following changes are made in the class FlyManager:

Interface changes:

  • update(): updates the flying stations and routes
The following changes are made in the class Layer3D:

Newly added interfaces:

  • setMaxObjectVisibleDistance(double value): sets the maximum visible distance of vector objects in the layer
The following changes are made in the class Layer3Ds:

Newly added interfaces:

  • addLayerWithGoogleMaps( Layer3DType layer3DType, String layerName, ImageFormatType imageFormatType,boolean addToHead): add google online image service
New classes in data:
New classes in Mapping:
The following changes are made in the class Map:

Newly added interfaces:

  • isTimeEnable(): returns whether to play temporal data on a map.
  • setTimeEnable(boolean bEnable): sets whether to play temporal data on a map.
  • getTimeStep(): returns the time step size for the playing of temporal data.
  • setTimeStep(TimeSpan timeStep): sets the time step size for the playing of temporal data.
  • getTimeWindow(): returns the time window shown when playing temporal data
  • setTimeWindow(TimeSpan timeWindow): sets the time window shown when playing temporal data
  • getCurrentPlayerTick(): returns the number of the frame playing on the map.
  • setCurrentPlayerTick(int currentTick): sets the number of the frame playing on the map.
  • getMapStartTime(): returns the starting time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
  • setMapStartTime(Date startTime): sets the starting time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
  • getMapEndTime(): returns the terminal time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
  • setMapEndTime(Date endTime): Sets the terminal time of the time line length shown when palying temporal data.
  • getDefaultMapStartTime(): traverses time fields of layers that are visible and time-enabled, and then returns the minimum value as the starting time.
  • getDefaultMapEndTime(): traverses time fields of layers that are visible and time-enabled, and then returns the maximum value as the ending time.
  • getMinTimeStep(): calculates the default time step size when playing temporal data.
  • getTimeFormat(): when playing temporal data, if you have set the window displays the time of the current frame, the interface can return the time format.
  • setTimeFormat(String timeFormat): when playing temporal data, if you have set the window displays the time of the current frame, the interface can set the time format.
  • isShowTime(): returns whether the window displays text of the time of the currently playing framed. true means yes. false means no.
  • setIsShowTime(boolean isShowTime): sets whether the window displays text of the time of the currently playing framed.
  • getCurrentTickStartTime(): gets the starting time of the currently playing frame when playing temporal data.
  • getCurrentTickEndTime(): gets the terminal time of the currently playing frame when playing temporal data.
  • setIsCadBatchRender(boolean bIsCadBatchRender): sets whether to use the batch drawing mode in a CAD layer
The following changes are made in the class TrackingLayer:

Newly added interfaces:

  • setAsyncRefresh(boolean bAsync): sets whether to render the tracing layer instantly.
  • isAsyncRefresh(): returns whether the tracing layer is rendered instantly
The following changes are made in the class Layer:

Newly added interfaces:

  • isDeduplicateEnabled(): gets whether to rarefy
  • setDeduplicateEnabled(Boolean value): sets whether to rarefy
  • isFastDrawEnabled(): gets whether it is the quickly drawing mode
  • setFastDrawEnabled(Boolean value): sets whether it is the quickly drawing mode
  • getDeduplicateTolerance(): gets the rarefying tolerance
  • setDeduplicateTolerance(double value): sets the rarefying tolerance
  • getDeduplicateThreshold(): gets the rarefying threshold value
  • setDeduplicateThreshold(int value): sets the rarefying threshold value
  • setFastDrawDataModefied(boolean isModefied): data changes under the quickly drawing mode
  • getTimeStepInterval(): returns the time step size of temporal data
  • setTimeStepInterval(TimeSpan timeSpan): sets the interval of the time step size of temporal data
  • getTimeFilterEnding(): returns the terminal time of the filter expression of the layer time
  • setTimeFilterEnding(Date endTime): sets the terminal time of the filter expression of the layer time
  • getTimeFilterStarting(): returns the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time
  • setTimeFilterStarting(Date startTime): sets the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time
  • getTimeEndField(): gets the field for recording the terminal times
  • setTimeEndField(String strField): sets the field for recording the terminal times
  • setTimeStartField(): sets the field for recording the starting times
  • setTimeStartField(String strField): gets the field for recording the starting times
  • IsTimeFilterEnable(): returns whether to enable the time filter feature on the layer.
  • setTimeFilterEnable(boolean bEnable): sets whether to enable the time filter feature on the layer.